
Sliding curtains − current trend in interior decoration (Schiebevorhänge)

A room appears generous, clearly structured and elegant due to the smooth surfaces of sliding curtains. Whereas conventional net curtains once gave a conservative impression, you can create a modern and contemporary room ambience by the use of the movable panel curtains. Actually any window, no matter if it is small or big can be turned into an oasis of light with the help of different fabrics, plain-coloured or with striking designs, according to ones taste.

By combining fabrics of different consistencies, you can adapt the lighting conditions in your rooms according to your demands. Ranging from soft transparency, which generously spreads daylight in your rooms, all the way to opaque fabrics and material combinations with reflecting properties, which protect your privacy against unwanted looks respectively provide ideal conditions at the workplace.

Here, every detail in the design comes into effect. Filigree patterns of the fabric or big modern patterns will determine or enrich the atmosphere in your rooms in a variety of ways. The creative power of panel curtains is not affected by folds in the fabric or by disturbing fixing constructions − it is quite the opposite. The handling of the almost invisible sliding mechanism is foolproof and enables − through silent sliding of the panel − to change the lighting conditions as necessary as well as to create new colour shades on the panel curtains themselves.

(bewegliche Flächenvorhänge, Ambiente, Transparenz, blickdicht)